Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday foot facts

Week 10

It's a Friday foot fact again, the week just flew by with a lot of toenail cutting this week. Good to be busy but sometimes, when I see what I do, I think most of you would gag. But for me it's a real pleasure to fix as best as I can the problems I see with toenails. You see, nails protect numerous nerve endings and the tiny, little bones (phalanges) at the very end of your toes and fingers.

Now I understand some of us have exceptionally beautiful feet and toes but let's face it, some of us have not all been blessed with pretty feet or toes. But there is a difference between a healthy nail and one that it's health has been compromised to the point of no repair. I have seen nails that are way too short, way too long, way too thick or thin and some of you have even stuck Exacto knives in very tight spots where you thought it would of been a good idea to relieve some pressure off a ingrown or involuted toenail! There are many things that can happen to them in a lifespan, let's face it, most of us will have them for life if all is well with our health.

Glass file on healthy nails.
But for some of us, the health of a toenail will be affected by trauma, infection, skin diseases, inherited factors and nutritional deficiencies. If your health is compromised by diabetes, it is of most importance that you find adequate certified advanced footcare nurses to provide and educate you on regular footcare. Even if you are healthy, sometimes ignoring a simple little foot or toenail pain can make you regret not paying attention to them.

The fact is this, ladies and gentlemen alike, we have all seen someone wearing socks and sandles at one point in our lives. Did you ever think there might be a reason underneath that? Hmmm, maybe you don't want to know why they will never see the light of day either.

So here's to Friday, hopefully you will get to put your feet up sometime this weekend and maybe you will inspect your toes a bit closer and give them a bit of some toe lovin' care! My version of TLC!

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