Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday foot fact

Week 20

It's a gorgeous Friday morning in Ottawa and May long weekend is almost upon us.  It's usually a time when my feet are ready for sandal season but time flew by and I'm looking like the cobbler's son with no shoes.  Meaning my feet are due to get pedicured big time and taking a closer look at them, I realize that I have a white mark on the nail of my first digit a.k.a. The Big Toe.

I'm even going to share a pic of this mark since I find it quite impressive if I do say so myself. Please remember, I haven't been kind to my feet this season as you can see for yourselves, my feet and toenails need some TLC as in Toe Lovin' Care! The white mark on my nail is actually called leuconychia.


Usually these type of white marks or spots appear on the fingernails and sometimes, as you can see, on the toenails too.  Leuconychia is usually caused by an injury to the nail causing an air bubble or a bruise to the nail leaving a white mark or spot.  Sometimes we don't even remember the injury but believe me the one on my big toe was memorable!  In some instances though, it can by caused by a lack of zinc and before you start taking in some extra nutrients, check with your doctor.

The good thing about this type of nail injury is that it will grow out and nothing that a little nail polish can't hide in the meantime since it usually takes a bit of time to grow out.

This has been my Friday foot fact, I wish you all a great long weekend and remember to put your best foot forward!

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