Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday foot facts

Week 1

I thought it would be interesting to make a list of 52 foot facts for the new year, one for each week.

Did you know that your feet contain a quarter of your body bones? That's 25%!

The body has about 208-210 bones and your feet contain a total of  52 bones, that's 26 bones per foot!

Foot bones.

I also wanted to wish you all a happy and healthy new year and putting your best foot forward in the future.

Coming up in January: Plantar's warts and the fight against cold feet!


  1. This is great info Nadine, keep up the good work and ideas!

  2. Time to care for my feet, if I want to keep running. Thanks

  3. Raising footcare awareness is important, you do want to put your best foot forward all throughout your life!

    Thanks for the support!


All questions and comments are welcomed.